- а не то
- • А ТО{{}}[Invar]=====1. Also: (A) НЕ ТО [coord Conj, connective-contrastive; introduces a clause with the verb in fut or subjunctive]⇒ used to introduce a clause indicating what will happen (would happen, or would have happened) if the order, intention etc contained in the preceding clause is not (were not, or had not been) carried out; or used to introduce a clause indicating what would occur (would have occurred) if the situation in the preceding clause were (had been) different:- or else;- or;- otherwise;- [in limited contexts] if not.♦ "А ты тут лучше не ходи и не путайся под ногами, а то и тебя возьмём как соучастницу" (Войнович 4). "And you better stop coming here and getting under our feet or else we'll pick you up, too, as an accessory" (4a).♦ "Лучше я отсяду от него, - сказал Тимур, шумно вставая, - а то этот человек доведёт меня до преступления!" (Искандер 5). "I'd better sit somewhere else," Timur said, noisily getting to his feet, "or this man will drive me to a crime!" (5a).♦ "Руки у меня связаны, - горько жаловался он [градоначальник] глуповцам, - а то узнали бы вы у меня, где раки зимуют!" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "My hands are tied," he [the governor] complained bitterly to the Glupovites. "Otherwise I'd give you something to remember me by!" (1b).♦ "Обижаешь старуху. Я ведь тебя еще маленькую в колыске [Ukrainian = в колыбели] качала. Ты уж лучше пусти, не то закричу" (Войнович 2). [context transl] "You're insulting an old woman You know, I used to rock you in your cradle. Better let me go before I start shouting" (2a).2. [subord conj; introduces a clause of reason]⇒ for the reason that:- because;- [may be omitted in translation].♦ "И сейчас ещё говорит, но только всё меньше и меньше, так что пользуйтесь случаем, а то он скоро совсем умолкнет" (Булгаков 11). "He still speaks, but less and less. I would suggest you take advantage of the moment, because he'll soon grow silent altogether" (11a).♦ [Аркадина:] Костя, закрой окно, а то дует (Чехов 6). [A.:] Kostya, shut the window, it's drafty (6c).3. substand. Also: (А) НЕ ТО substand [coord Conj, disjunctive] used to indicate an alternative:- or;- or even (maybe).♦ [Рисположенский:] Да вы мне ещё полторы тысячи должны... Давайте деньги, а то документ (Островский 10). [R.:] You still owe me fifteen hundred rubles...Give me the money, or a note for it (10b).4. [coord Conj, contrastive]⇒ used to indicate that the state of affairs expressed by the statement that follows is, in the speaker's opinion, abnormal, bad, or contrary to the way it should be, whereas the state of affairs expressed by the preceding context reflects the way things should be:- but (instead <on the contrary>);- rather than;- instead (of);- while instead;- as it is.♦ "Ты уж меня выручи, старика, Вить. В последний раз, а? Вить? Чего молчишь?" - "Не буду выручать, Архип Иваныч. Завязал". - "...Чеготебезавязывать-то? Еслибты какой бандит... был, а то - трудяга, шофёр" (Семёнов 1). "Do me a favour, Vic, do it for an old man. For the last time. Eh, Vic? Why don't you say something?" "I won't do you a favour, Arkhip Ivanich. I've quit." "What's the matter, Vic. ...It would be different if...you had been some sort of crook, but you're a hard worker, a driver" (1a).♦ "Не хочется мне это делать". - "Ты бы так и говорил, а то придумываешь всякие отговорки". "I don't feel like doing this." "Then why didn't you say so instead of making up all kinds of excuses?"♦ [Анна Петровна:] Как бы папенька-то твой не мотал без памяти, так бы другое дело было, а то оставил нас почти ни с чем (Островский 1). [А.Р:] If only your papa hadn't spent his money like water, then everything'd be different. As it is, he left us almost nothing at all (1a).5. Also: А НЕ ТО coll [Particle; usu. foll. by Imper or subjunctive]⇒ used to express mild inducement or an invitation to do sth.:- do [+ a positive imper];- why not;- why don't you.6. coll [Particle; usu. foll. by imper; often used with пожалуй]⇒ used to introduce an expression of agreement with some suggestion after an initial refusal or vacillation:- (or) well, perhaps (maybe);- or perhaps;- well, actually, maybe;- well, all right.♦ [Анна Ивановна:] Что ж это они не идут, соколы-то наши?.. Не сходить ли за ними? [Любовь Гордеевна:] Нет, не надо. А то, пожалуй, сходи. (Обнимает её.) Сходи-ка, Аннушка (Островский 2). [A.I :] What could be keeping them, our young gallants? Perhaps I ought to go for them? [L.G.:] Oh, no, don't. Or perhaps... (hugs her). Yes, do go, Anna (2b).7. coll, impol [Particle]⇒ obviously, of course (used with interrogative pronouns or adverbs as an affirmative response to a question):- what (who, where etc) else;- who else's.♦ "Это твоя книга?" - "А то чья же?" "Is this your book?" "Who else's?"
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.